It is so hard to believe that this semester has flown by so quickly. Still feels like it is the first week of school and we are going over everything from our blog assignments, to twitter assignment, to the social media campaign and everything in between. In just a few short weeks I will be graduated and barking on a new chapter of my life.
I would be lying to everyone and myself if I said this class was easy and was not that much work. Because lets face it, this class took a lot of work to complete and it wasn't difficult but wasn't easy either. But I am so glad that I took this class because I learned a lot that I wouldn't of necessary known about. For example: before this class I knew nothing about HootSuite or Tweetdeck. I am still getting use to HootSuite but I LOVE Tweetdeck. Makes keeping up with this class hash tag so much easier.
One of my proudest achievements from this class is actually getting HootSuite certified earlier then I had to!! I also love having all of our wonderful speakers come in and speak about many different and wonderful topics. Any where from Crisis to social media to analytic to sports to broadcasting and everything in between. My favorite part of this class is defiantly blogging. I have grown to love blogging and am going to try really hard to keep blogging after this class. Blogging has inspire me to keep talking about things I love such as sports and social media and video production. I haven't really talked much about video production here but it is one of my interest that I am going to talk more about in the future. I also love the hands on experience working with actual clients. I have not ever took an internship before but working with Terri and Cheryl are giving some experience that some people do not have the pleasure of getting. Especially if they do not take an internship. Terri and Cheryl are really awesome and really helpful. I also got the pleasure of meeting a real children's book author. Since she is basically are client as well since we are helping her with her children's book "Boss Paws"
This class has taught me so much about social media. I was all ready using many social media sites before this class. Such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. I also had a blog that I had to do for another class but did not really like that blog so I never kept up with it. This blog on the other hand I really like and plan on continue it. Since this class I have learned many great things about proper social media etiquette. Such as limit your hashtags. Too many hashtags get real annoying and alot of them is real distracting. I also learned, well actually kind of all ready knew is to be careful what you post. Because posting things you wouldn't want your future employer to see could limit you from a job over someone else.
Another thing I learned about was Klout. I really like Klout am really want to get my Klout score up. I want to be one of the known presence on Social Media that people talk about or like the things I post, and want to read more or follow me. Well that is my semester in a nutshell. Hope yawl enjoyed. Until next time. Thanks, Brittany
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