Friday, January 31, 2014

Kentucky Derby Festival-Robert Young

Every year in the blue grass the months from January to the first Saturday in May are the busiest time of the year for the Kentucky Derby Festival. I personally love this time of year because it is so fun and you get to meet a lot of people that do not live in Louisville or Kentucky. 

There are many events that have to be planned and thought of. All of the communication things that go on with the Kentucky Derby Festival is done by Robert Young and his staff. Today in my Social Media class we had the please of having him come in and speak to us about aspect of communication with the Kentucky Derby Festival.

He had so many good points but if i mentioned all of them I would be here for ever! So I am just going to talk about a few of the main points or at least I thought were the main points. To start off I thought it was interesting he started off with the question Why Social Media? So I am going to ask you all that question:

Why Social Media?

If your not sure of the answer here are a few pointers that Robert Young said were the main answers.
1. Consumer Targeting: that is important because you need to know who you are targeting and what social media plat forms would work the best.
2. Enhanced two way communication: Meaning on your social media platforms encourage people to post pictures from your event or use relevant hash tags.
3. Real-Time
4. Enormous audience

He also gave many tricks & trips, I am going to talk about a few of them.
1. Keep it simple
2. Ask people to "share & Retweet"
3. Respond
4. Engagement driving content (there is four points under this one)

  • Status Updates
  • Post with Photo
  • Post with Link
  • Post with Video
I think the Derby Festival is really awesome and encourage everyone to check out Robert Young's twitter page, and the Kentucky Derby Festival Facebook, twitter, and instagram.
Robert Young's twitter handle is @royou
Here is the Kentucky Derby Festival facebook page: 
There twitter handle is @KyderbyFestival 
You can find there instagram page with the hash tag #KDF2014 

There are many events that happen every year, and many ways to check out a lot of cool events. My favorite is either the balloon glow, balloon race, of course thunder over Louisville which happens to be the biggest firework display in the WORLD, and lastly i like the Great Steam Boat Race. 

This is a video of Thunder over Louisville from last year in 2013.

Hope you enjoy my post on the Kentucky Derby Festival and Robert Young. Until next time.

Thanks Brittany Hood

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hows your online Reputation?

Here is a video that talks about what online reputation management.

Online Reputation? When you hear online reputation what comes to your mind? To me I think about peoples image online and how are they doing. Mainly my image. I learned in several different classes that I have taken since my time at UofL that what you are doing online is just as important as what your not doing online. You want a GOOD presence online but posting certain things that we really don't need to see is not necessary. Meaning that going out and getting drunk and posting all those pics that you wouldn't show your mom.

Here are some tips about managing your online reputation: 
1. Remember anything you post online is available to anyone. I.E Getting a job at your dream job could be in jeopardy following a few bad tweets or status up dates or pics uploaded. 
2. If you wouldn't show your mom, chances are you shouldn't post it because your moms going to see it regardless.
3. Be aware of Fake accounts with your name.
4. Establish your own reputation, so it goes the way you think you should go.
5. Monitor some of your conversations online.

Here is an article that two of these tweets were taking from.

Just remember that you do need an online presence but just don't over do it and post professional things. What ever you think would be ok for a future employer to read. I know people have bad days and what to tell the world about it but honestly we don't need to know all about it, esp. if cussing is involved.

Follow these tips and your online reputation should be OK. If your scared of something you all ready posted just take it down.

Hope you enjoyed this post on online reputation mangement! Until next time.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mini Me!!!


So I was thinking all day what I could do my personal blog on for the week. Then I got a great idea I could do it on my two year old cousin Adysen. The picture up above is of Adysen and me. I assure you she is my cousin but a lot of people think that she could pass for my daughter. You do not know how many times when I take her out in public how many times I get " aww your daughter is so cute." It does make me smile because she is so adorable and I like that people think she looks like me. A lot of people say her mom and I look a lot alike as well. I would say that we get her at least once a month and we love every minute of it, even though she wares us out.

                                            Adysen when she was one

Since she has started to come to our house we have so many stories that she has said or done. I am going to take a few minutes and tell a couple of the best ones.

Well to start off when she was a bout one her mom was taking a pic of me and her on my phone and accidentally was recording a video. Adysen wasn't having any of it and bit her arm and screamed a lot. It was so funny because when my mom was younger she use to do that when she got mad.
Here is the video to demonstrate what I was talking about.

Here is a collection of some of my favorite pics of her. They are more recent.

Here is her saying "I Love You"

Through the year she has coined a bunch of words. She has gave pretty much every one in my house hold a nick name. She calls my mom "Non Na," She calls my step- dad David "Dav Dav," She calls me "Nittany," She calls my step sister Autumn "Audle." Which is kind of coincidence to me when I was younger because I gave almost every one in my family a nickname as well. 

Well that is my blog post on my mini me. Hope yawl enjoy all the cuteness in one post. Until next time!


Friday, January 24, 2014

Penny for your thought

Today in my social media class we had a guest panel of speakers that had all ready took Social Media. I really though all 4 of them did an excellent job and was real insightful.  I never knew that you could blog for a living if you were good enough. When Diana was talking she had some really good tips that I am going to try to apply for this semester. Her tips were Meet with Dr. Freberg frequently because she is a real big help and in my opinion she is really easy to talk to. Rachael's tips for the class was You can't be afraid to talk to Dr. Freberg. Which I really agree with. Dr. Freberg is one of the coolest, down to earth professors you will meet. She also said think before you tweet. I feel like that should be a cardinal rule because you really do not know who will view the tweet and it could also get you in  a lot of trouble. Amanda tip was don't let being a group leader intimidate you because every ones ideas are important and every should contribute to out group projects. Then lastly Jessica tips for this class was to take the group projects serious because it could help you in the future. She mentioned that because of the group project that it helped her to write her own campaign. Another one of her tips was to get an interenship. Which i agree with. My problem is trying to find an interenship that doesn't require class credit.

Well that is all for now, hope you enjoyed my discussion on out excellent guest speakers from #Freberg13


Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Passion for Sports

As many of you I am a huge sports fan. A great day for me is to go to a sports game or even stay home and watch a sports game. I'm a huge Kentucky Wildcat fan, and really love the Indianapolis Colts as well. 

I have been to three colts game and really loved it. Indianapolis Colts stadium Lucas Oil Stadium is a really nice stadium. When you go to a game on a nice day the roof is open and its like being at an outside game but not as hot as they have air condition. My first game I went to was against The New York Jets. That was the year that the Colts was 13-0 and won there division. It also was basically Peyton Manning last healthy year and the Colts went to the super bowl that year. Sadly we lost that game because the coach decided to rest the starters because we was all ready in the play offs. The second game I went to was against the Tennessee Titans. That year we really stunk, and ended the year 2-14. We won that game though so i was happy. Especially because we got number one in the draft and drafted Luck. The third game I went was against Jacksonville Jaguars. We lost that game on a last minute run back by Maurice Jones Drew. Are defense basically thought we had the won the game and missed there coverage.  All of my experiences rather we won or lost was really funny. One reason was because I really love the city of Indianapolis. Its a great City.

                                         Luck getting the offense ready to go                                       

                                          The roof opened at Lucas Oil Stadium

                                 Picture of a Kick off from 2012
I have been to one Kentucky basketball game. It was during the Billie Gillispie time which we was not very good. It was on senior night which happened to be on my birthday. So I was pretty upset. I have been to back to back blue and white games. (2011/21012, and 2013/2014) They were a lot of fun even though it UK against UK. Lexington is a great city as well. 

I also went to the 2013 alumni basketball game. It was a lot of fun. I met some UK greats. Kenny "Sky-walker", Mark Krebs, Ramon Harris, and Perry Stevenson, just to name a few. A funny story at the alumni game. I was getting my picture taking with Kenny Sky-walker and didn't realize Rupp's floor was up, well i went to get close to him and tripped and fell right into him. I was so embarrassed lol. All he said was "it's ok I got you." My friends Ashley and I laughed so hard lol. 
                                   Me with some UK Greats!!!             
Well I hope you all enjoyed my stories and pictures with my passion for sports. Until next time

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ethical Part of Blogging!

What is ethical: Google definition is of or relating to of or relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing 
with these. 

 In my own words that means basically be careful what you post, could bite you in the bottom. 

As many of us know there is a right way to blog and a wrong way to blog. Basically you have to watch what you say. Meaning that what ever you say will follow you around forever. All an employer has to do is Google your name and can see what you tweet or post on facebook. They could get access to your facebook and twitter accounts and other social media accounts you may have. Be careful for people who may have took your identity and made a fake account about you. All you have to do is re[port them. A question that I have is how do you know if the account or not? Because if your name is as popular as mine.. Brittany Hood... there are tons of accounts out there and they very well could be fake or real. I still haven't figured out away to tell if its fake or not. But if your name is a name that is very uncommon then chances are its a fake account. The reason I am sharing this is because someone could start a fake name about you and post things that could get you in trouble or worst an employer might see and it could disqualify you from a job. Now for the ethics part of my discussion. If your trying to decide rather or not what you wanna post is ethical or could get you in trouble, ask your self this: Would you say it to your mom or grandma? If No then probably shouldn't post it because other employers could see it as well. In my opinion I would reframe from using cuss words in a post or update because they are not classy and not good. I know sometimes its hard to refrain from the especially when you are having a bad day.  

Well that is my view on Ethical blogging. Sorry no fun video this time, well try to incorporate one next time. Until next time


Friday, January 17, 2014

What is Social Media?

I was lucky enough to grow up in the generation where social media was always there. Back in my day it started with Myspace. Then in middle school Facebook came out. I had a facebook account but wasn't really sure how to use it. Needless to say it was real confusing to me. Then in High school everyone had a Facebook account. If you didn't you was lame. I began to realize how popular it really was getting when a lot of my family members started using Facebook. 

First off is a Social Media Video. Its about the new Social Revolution that i started. This video is from 2013. I like this video because it has a lot of WTF moments in it! lol 
This video was taking from YouTube. 

As the video mentions social media has became a revolution. So many people now a days are on all of the forms of social media. Rather it is Twitter, Facebook, blog sites such as Tumbler, Blogger, or WordPress, picture/ video sites such as vine, snapchat and Instagram. Also there is pinterest. I believe that this society and this generation is evolving to the online community.  Heck now days people use online shopping sites such as Amazon and E-bay. And lets not forget about online dating which has in the last 10 years became real popular. On USA today they posted a study that said now more than a third of the marriages start online. Here is the link.

Social Media to me is away to stay connected to friends and family. I even can stay in the loop with my favorite TV shows if i missed them, or even stay ahead of the game in the sports world. What is also nice about social media is the whole concept of second-hand viewing. Which basically is using a tablet, iPad, smart phone or laptop to tweet along with fans from TV shows or even athletes. Some of the time even the actors or actresses will tweet along with you. 

But there is always that dreadful thought that Social Media can get you in a lot of trouble. My word of thumb I always try to remember when posting is to post only things that you would show your grandma or an older relative. I follow this because of Google. Now all some one needs to do is type your first and last name and they can find everything you post. 

Well that is my view on Social Media. Hope you enjoyed it. 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

All About Me!

I am a senior at UofL. I am a Communication major. I haven't decided if i am going to go get my masters yet, but if I do I am not going back right away. I live in Louisville, Kentucky but am from Bardstown, Kentucky. 

After graduating I want to work with a sports team and video edit for them or try to get on with one of the big sports station and be a sideline/ court-side reporter. 

One area I interested in is Crises communication. I am also really interested in the Sports part of social media, I also would love to get in to sports editing.

I am taking an advance editing class this semester and I love it. Its teaching me so much about editing videos and how tedious editing really is. Basically you have to get it almost perfect or as perfect as possible to make it look good, and sounds really important too!

I am a real big sports fans. You won't meet any girls like me who loves sports. if it was up to my I would talk about sports all the time. My favorite teams are UK, Indianapolis Colts,, New York Giants, Denver Broncos, Boston Celtics, Indiana Pacers, Pittsburgh Penguins, and New York Yankees.  

Like I mentioned I am a huge sports fan and this past October when  I watched Big Blue Madness i was inspired by there video that they had made when it first started. It had clips of the greatest times in UK basketball history. I would love to do that for a team. In my opinion it was well made. Here is the video I was talking about.
This video is not the best quality and is from

My long term goals for this blog is to get good at writing blog post and also keep my post real interesting. After this class I  do plan on to try to continue this blog. blogging is something that I would really like to continue and get my voice out there. Especially in the sports world. 

Well thats all I have for now, and until my next post hope you have a good day.
