Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mini Me!!!


So I was thinking all day what I could do my personal blog on for the week. Then I got a great idea I could do it on my two year old cousin Adysen. The picture up above is of Adysen and me. I assure you she is my cousin but a lot of people think that she could pass for my daughter. You do not know how many times when I take her out in public how many times I get " aww your daughter is so cute." It does make me smile because she is so adorable and I like that people think she looks like me. A lot of people say her mom and I look a lot alike as well. I would say that we get her at least once a month and we love every minute of it, even though she wares us out.

                                            Adysen when she was one

Since she has started to come to our house we have so many stories that she has said or done. I am going to take a few minutes and tell a couple of the best ones.

Well to start off when she was a bout one her mom was taking a pic of me and her on my phone and accidentally was recording a video. Adysen wasn't having any of it and bit her arm and screamed a lot. It was so funny because when my mom was younger she use to do that when she got mad.
Here is the video to demonstrate what I was talking about.

Here is a collection of some of my favorite pics of her. They are more recent.

Here is her saying "I Love You"

Through the year she has coined a bunch of words. She has gave pretty much every one in my house hold a nick name. She calls my mom "Non Na," She calls my step- dad David "Dav Dav," She calls me "Nittany," She calls my step sister Autumn "Audle." Which is kind of coincidence to me when I was younger because I gave almost every one in my family a nickname as well. 

Well that is my blog post on my mini me. Hope yawl enjoy all the cuteness in one post. Until next time!


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