So for this week I decided to switch it up a little bit. I know many people out there probably do not like One direction but in my opinion they have one of the best music videos ever for their song "Best Song Ever"
I love they way that each of the members play two people. They play there self of course then they play one other person as well. I love at it every time especially because they way they were transformed. It is a funny video in my opinion. I have watched the behind scenes of this video and it is interesting how they were transformed to other people. I also though it was interesting how they have them selves and the other person they played at the same time. I think I have an idea of how they did it from taking the UofL video producation beginning and now advance class.
In order of appearances

Niall Horan as Harvey the Studio Exec
Louis Tomlison as Johnny The Studio Exec

Zayn Malik as The Sexy Assistant

Liam Payne as LeeRoy The Choregopher
My best-friend and I tried to learn the dance in the video and it is really hard. Probably be easier if we had rhythm and could dance but we can't lol.
Even if your not a big One Direction fan I would check out this video because you will get a good laugh out of it. Well at least I did any ways.
Hope you all will check out the video that I posted on here as "The Best Song Ever" by One Direction. Even if you don't listen too any of there music and won't watch this video again just watch it at least once.
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